Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Sound

The shutting of elevator doors.
This is the sound of exhausted.

Rice Crispies popping in a bowl of milk.
This is the sound of lonely.

A honking horn at 2:06 a.m.
This is the sound of furious.

Rain dripping through the roof.
This is the sound of broke.

A fist punching the pillow.
This is the sound of crushed.

The scrawling of signatures.
This is the sound of it's over.

High heels striking the pavement.
This is the sound of moving on.

by Linette Marie Allen, Copyright 2008

1 comment:

Elizabeth Melton Parsons said...

Linette, this is Elizabeth. I've sent you an email, but wanted to say how much I enjoyed my visit here.